Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Quality Transformation (Change)

The easiest way to understand quality change is to consider the example of
roses. These beautiful flowers, although nourished by smelly manure, do not
take any of its odour (smell) or colour. They are truly like kings of
gardens, in their pink, gold, red and white robes, filling the air with such
a fragrance that people who come to the garden do not even notice the
manure. The roots of the roses are able to transform (change) the manure to
such an extent that the best is taken without any negative side effects.
This is an example of quality change.

The human world is like a garden. We are like a variety of flowers
surrounded by lots of manure, that is, negativity in all its forms, such as
ego, fear, anger, attachment, mistrust, etc. People who are 'quality
transformers' can accept all these negative things and use them for their
personal growth without the negativity penetrating (entering) them; they do
not get spoilt, or even touched by it. With understanding and the natural,
loving detachment that comes from silence, they realise that the negative
person, or situation, in front of them is the Universe’s way of giving them
an opportunity to create a tiny, silent miracle in their lives. Quality
transformers become the spiritual roses in the Garden of Humanity: they
display all their beauty and provide inspiration for all those who see them.

‘Quality transformers' can be compared to the oyster. When a tiny foreign
particle invades (enters) the oyster’s home, it secretes a liquid that
combines with the particle to finally create a pearl. The pearl can live in
the oyster's home for the rest of the oyster's natural life without causing
any disturbance.

In the same way, rather than react negatively to people and events, we can
include them and mould with them. Through acceptance, our consciousness
jumps to another level of perception (understanding) and we realise that
what we might have previously regarded as a problem can, if handled
correctly, be a means to develop our strengths and remove our weaknesses.
Whether a situation is a problem or a gift depends on our perception. The
choice is ours.

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