Saturday, December 31, 2011

Anger Management

We normally experience pain or suffering in response to others' anger filled
behaviour. Given below is a range of responses, the most common response to
the least common response, the shallowest (depthless) to the deepest, check
where you lie on the spectrum:

*Avenging (Wanting to take revenge):* where you want to bring upon the other
the pain you have felt yourself, for which you feel the other person is
Punishing:* where you wish to take the law into your own hands, even if only
at a mental level.
Reforming:* where you wish to change another's personality and behaviour.
Forgiving:* where you want to do what you have probably been taught to
believe is the right thing to do.
Forgetting:* where you want to drop the past at all levels and get on with
your life.
Karming:* where you recognize and take responsibility for all your hurt
because you understand that you always receive the return today of your
actions yesterday (Law of karma).
Enlightening:* where you realize that you were never hurt in the first

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Principle Of Focus and Flow

If we look at the sun and the earth, we appreciate a basic and fundamental
law of life, which we as human beings can learn from, that is of great help
in the right movement of life. By means of light, the sun gives life to the
earth; in addition, the sun is fixed in its position (a symbol of “focus”)
to enable the earth (a symbol of “flow”) and all the other planets of our
solar system to continue in their rhythmic, harmonious orbit. Otherwise,
there would be chaos, upheaval and great damage. The earth on the other
hand, constantly moves in repetitive cycles around the sun. This movement
allows for changes and expression on the earth, which have a beginning,
middle and end. In other words, the phenomenon of time is created as a
direct result of the earth's balanced and harmonious cyclic movements.  Both
the fixed position of the sun and the movement of the earth are necessary
for life. The earth has all the potential for life but, without light from a
fixed source, there would be no life.  In the same way, the sun has the
power to give life, but if the moving earth did not hold the potential, even
with light, there would be no sustenance of life.
With reference to the sun and the earth (explained yesterday) - in certain
situations and moments we need *focus *(like the sun), that is, a
concentration of *thought, will power and understanding*.  These three need
to be together in one focused point if we are to reach depth and
newness.  However,
if we become over-focused, then rigidity and pressure gradually set in. This
subsequently leads to an imbalance that makes us lose our creativity and
openness to new vision. Once we have learnt to focus, then it will require
less effort and, eventually, the *flow* (like the earth) will become

In *focus*, we find *vision, inspiration and understanding*, and in the *
flow*, we find *expression, experimentation and experience*.

It is important not to over-flow, otherwise we get lost in a flood of
over-thinking, over-speaking and over-doing. In such a state, there is no
direction to guide the expression and things become unclear and delicate. At
such a point, we need to recognize that it is time for focus again.

According to necessity, a human being needs to move between focus and flow
and it is only through the ability to discriminate, that we can know when
and how to do this. Everything has its time. We are eternal beings working
in time, so we need to know the balance between *focus *- where we find
truth and purpose - and the *flow* of time - where we find expression and

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Soul Maintenance

In order to take care of the physical body, we give importance to diet , exercise and to proper rest or sleep. 

In order to take care of the non-physical self or soul, we need to make
sure that we feed our intellect with positive thoughts. Attention needs to
be kept on the diet of the intellect. If we keep feeding it with positive
thoughts, then automatically it will make us free from any heaviness and we
will feel the lightness of our own mind.

The regular practice of meditation for 5-10 minutes every morning is the  exercise for the soul. Meditation will help us master our sense organs,think more peacefully and powerfully, maintain our focus of inner attention
and therefore remain undisturbed by external events (at the workplace or at home).

The third important thing is to give enough rest to the soul. We sleep to energize the body. We need to give rest to the soul in the form of silence in the mind. Refuse to do anything in this one minute. Just one minute of silence and calmness every hour gives rest to our mind and will empower (strengthen) us for the rest of the hour. So we are able to do our work more efficiently and effectively.