Friday, August 26, 2011

Effect of Food On The Mind

All foods have their own subtle (non-physical) vibrations or energy levels.
*Food feeds more than the stomach; it not only affects the working of the
body but its subtle energy influences the mind. *Consumption of food allows
the energy levels to have an effect on our system, for better or worse.

Experimenting with the effects of different foods, three categories were
defined corresponding to the particular energy that existed in them.

The first is *'Sattvik' *or sentient food – this type of food if filled with
vibrations of purity, self-awareness, love, peace and joy. This category of
food includes fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, grains, milk and dairy
products. It helps our emotions and mind to remain in a stable and peaceful
state. This in turn affects our thoughts, attitudes and behaviour.
The second group is *'Rajasik' *or mutative food - it contains a mutative
energy of restlessness, constant movement or change. When this force is
consumed, the mind and body become agitated and nervous, unable to calm down
and relax. These foods include caffeinated drinks such as coffee and many
teas, hot spices, fermented foods and some medicinal drugs.

The third group is *'Tamasik' *or static food - this type of food has a
static force of dullness, inertia, intoxication, and attraction towards
sensuality (body-consciousness), decay and death. Death occurs when the
other two energies (sentient and mutative) are spent and the static force is
the only dominant force. Static foods include meat, fish, eggs, alcohol,
mushrooms, onions and garlic.

Is Physical Relaxation The Road To Peace

It’s a common notion (idea) to think of peace as being closely related to
the beauty of nature - the play of waves on a beach, the blowing of wind
through a forest, the soaring and swooping of sea gulls; in short, anything
away from the rush and hurry of the city. We also associate peace with some
physical form of relaxation like headphones plugged into soothing music, a
hot bath after a hard day, a brisk walk in the park, etc. *In meditation we
realize peace to be our very essence (nature); we realize very
quickly,* *trying
to extract peace from the world around us or even from some physical
sensations in our own bodies gives us only a temporary experience of i*t.

Once we start meditating, we start to see physical relaxation as an *escape
*from tension and not a *solution *for it; we no longer see the beautiful
scenes of nature as sources radiating *permanent *peace. But in fact it is
their mere absence of conflict, their harmony of colours, forms and sounds
which temporarily appeal to us. There is something in each of us which cries
out to be free from conflict. *We discover that "small voice" or need is
only our true nature demanding to be recognized. *We realize that neither
the body nor nature can give the peace that the soul was longing for, but it
has to be tapped from within. Having found it, it remains constant, whether
in the city or countryside, in comfort or discomfort. In the midst of noise
and confusion, peace is really our own.

The Alphabet of Change

*Awareness** - First, become aware of what you need to change in yourself.
What is preventing you from attaining contentment? What habits are blocking
the way to realizing your full potential? *

*Belief** - Many people think that a change in their personalities is
extremely difficult. But in fact it is a reality that lies within your
power. It might be useful to ask yourself questions such as "What has held
me back from change in the past?" and "What are the stages by which I can
bring change about?" *

*Commitment** - Motivation is the key to commitment. We need to want to
change, rather than feel it is a duty to ourselves. Try writing down a list
of commitments in the form of statements beginning with "I will". They
should come directly out of, and be connected with, your overall vision. *
*Discipline** - We cannot change unless we are able to maintain a steady
course over time. Think of each sign as a major landmark passed. Even if we
find ourselves slipping into old habits, that achievement of even a little
bit of change cannot be taken away.*

Are You Dependent On The Look Of The Other?

We have to trust that, being ourselves, we will be well-received and loved
by the world. If we are here, why have we been incarnated on Earth? To
satisfy the look of the other or to bring what is unique and exceptional in
us? We all have two eyes, a nose and a mouth but no face is the same. We are
all a being of conscious energy, a soul, but each one has a colour, an art,
a creativity and something different to contribute. Let us trust in
ourselves and use our talents to bring our difference.

You can be your best friend. Imagine that someone accompanies you in your
life, values everything that you do and finds it to be great: what you do,
what you say; you are the best; extraordinary; a shining being; a star.

Now imagine that you have that person next to you day and night. How do you
feel? On top form and you are fine. This happens in relationships. When
someone falls in love with you, they practically only think about you; they
ring you, they send you text messages, maybe they write you letters or
emails. You feel unique, special and loved. But this does not last forever
and, nowadays, it lasts less and less. The difficulty is that if you depend
on the look of the other to feel fine, sometimes you will be fine if the
person looking at you does it well, but if not, you won't be fine.

How do you look at yourself? This unconditional friend that loves you so
much and that supports you is what you have inside. You can be your best
friend. This gives you security and trust. If someone else likes you or
doesn't like you and criticizes you, you won't collapse within because to be
fine you do not depend on the look of the other.

Fear And The Law Of Attraction

You should be careful with what you are afraid of, because you can invoke
(call for or attract) it.

Fear is like a magnet. If you are afraid that something will happen to you
and you get obsessed about it happening, you are effectively invoking it to

If you are very afraid that something might happen to you and you begin to
visualize that it might happen or how it might happen, this terrifies you
and it closes you into a phobia and a state of fear. What you are doing is
invoking it to happen, because the power of the mind and visualization is
very great. If you are afraid that you might be robbed, or of meeting with
an accident, or of losing, you are invoking the robbery, the accident and
the loss. Fear of rejection produces rejection.

That is how extraordinary the power of our mind is. That does not mean to
say that we should not take the necessary precautions. An aged woman knows
that to fall can mean her bones might break more easily. She should not be
preoccupied with a fear of falling; she simply needs to apply attention and
precaution when walking. But when precaution is confused with fear, it is
not a healthy precaution or one that is free from worries.

Anger Management

*There are some false notions (ideas) about anger that we have acquired,
which we use to justify and nourish our anger: *
*1.  I do not get angry. The actions of others make me so.**
Fact:* At all times, and in all places you and only you are the creator of
your thoughts and feelings and are completely responsible for them, not
anyone else.
*Tip For Transformation:* The regular practice of meditation empowers you to
become the ruler of your mind, intellect and thoughts.

*2. I need to use anger to motivate others.*
*Fact:* Trust and respect, the foundations (basis) of any relationship, at
home or in the office, are never built by anger. In the long term, angry
outbursts damage any leadership qualities you may have. Anger kills
motivation within oneself and will most probably negatively influence
others' motivation.
*Tip For Transformation:* Meditation helps you practice acceptance and
respect for others as they are.

Symptoms Of Stress

*When we feel stressed we experience certain physiological (related to the
body) and psychological (related to the mind) symptoms, whose importance we
may not fully understand. These are normal signs that we should re-check our
priorities – our body, or our state of mind, is telling us that something in
our lives needs to change. Listed here are some of the common signs:*
*1. **Loneliness** – We may feel isolated (lonely) from friends and family,
or experience a lasting sense of being "lonely in a crowd".*
*2. **Insecurity** – We may suddenly feel shy or exposed around people with
whom we are usually filled with confidence. Or we may believe that we are
always being judged or criticized. *
*3. **Loss of concentration and memory** – We may find it hard to recall
recent conversations or promises. We may often feel confused, so that
understanding and remembering information could also be very difficult. *
*4. **Fatigue (Tiredness) and sleeping difficulties **– Although we may feel
constantly tired, we could also find it impossible to get to sleep.*
*5. **Tears and mood swings** – One of the most common symptoms is that we
cry easily. We may also experience mood swings – joyousness followed by
sadness or vice versa.*

Can Love And Freedom Co-Exist (Exist Together)

Is it possible to love each other and be free at the same time? Yes. To
reach this state in a relationship great wisdom is required. Most people
love one another and tie one another down. Thus they lose their freedom.
When freedom is lost, happiness goes away, and true wellbeing gives way to
unhappiness. Often we look above all for love, a love we believe will change
our life. We see it as the recognition of our inner value by another person.
However, we trip over ourselves in looking for this love. Necessity is what
motivates us and we try to satisfy it with an object or person who matches
up to perfection.

We have an immense emotional need for love, and the fear of remaining in a
state of unsatisfied wanting. In our search to fill our need, we are
prepared to deceive ourselves with unsuitable partners. Many people allow
the love of another person to define their personality to such a point that,
if they are rejected, they lose any sense of who they are and of the purpose
they have in life. Often the relationship is colored, through one of the
partners or both, by fear.

To free ourselves of the tendency to depend, we should have a strong heart,
without any selfishness; a heart that has nothing to hide and that, as a
result, is free and without fear; a heart that does not hold on to closed
beliefs, to old negative experiences; a heart that has good feelings and is
free of bitterness; a heart filled with the true values of peace, love,
freedom and solidarity – which as a result is stronger and fuller.

Spiritual Vision

In a state of high self-regard, the awareness of oneself as a spiritual
being or soul performing pure action, brings the awareness that other beings
are also souls performing actions through their bodies. When there is this
vision or "drishti"; this way of seeing another person as a spiritual being,
when the attitude of soul-to-soul is maintained, then there is true
communication and pure interaction and the desired state of peace, and
purity occurs automatically. If you achieve a state in which you are
naturally peaceful, pure and happy by being soul conscious, you can be
sitting anywhere and, because the thought vibrations radiating from you, the
soul, are of such high quality, other beings are necessarily receiving your
positive energy.