Monday, March 19, 2012

*The Filtration Process In The Soul*

The mind and its creation i.e. thoughts, in these times, in most people, are
controlled by three main factors:
*i. their habits or 'sanskaras'
ii. their past experiences, and
iii. information which they are exposed to and which they imbibe.*

The intellect is like a filter which has the function of discriminating, of
judging the thoughts and deciding which ones to put into practice and which
ones not to, basically filtering them. *Presently the filter of the
intellect has become weakened, confused and unsure; it has become blocked by
many incorrect beliefs, due to which this filtration does not take place
properly - as a result many wrong thoughts get converted into actions.* A
lot of times during the day, thoughts become actions so fast, that the
filter of the intellect does not even come into play i.e. thoughts become
actions bypassing the filter.

The beliefs that we have today are related to our cultural, physical,
social, religious, political identity associated with our age, gender,
occupation, wealth, role etc. of our body. Beliefs connected to materialism,
to *having* rather than *being*, are living based on the perception of the
sense organs, and not on the intuition and the wisdom of the spirit. There
are beliefs that block you, or brake you, others break you, they bring about
fears in you and a limited perception of reality and of yourself. However
much you try to generate positive thoughts, if you do not change these
beliefs, their influence on the intellect will be so strong that it is
almost impossible to maintain a positive state of mind. Even if you
experience it, it will be short-lived and temporary.

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