Saturday, February 18, 2012

Transforming The Other’s Anger

*In meditation, when I connect with God, I absorb His spiritual love and
peace, which causes my own original qualities, which are present in me, the
soul, in my pure state when I begin the playing of roles through physical
bodies on the world stage, to come to the forefront or to the surface, to
emerge in the conscious from the sub-conscious.* As a result, now, where
previously there would have been conflict, I have a greater capacity to
remain peaceful when another person behaves in an unpleasant way with me. I
have the power to stay mentally and emotionally stable when someone provokes
or insults me. This power is enormously valuable in life, enabling me to
cool heated situations, and even remove another person's anger altogether.

*Instead of focusing on the anger on a person's face, I focus my attention
to the non-physical, star-like being or soul within the person, which was
peaceful and loveful in its original, pure state.* This increases my
tolerance and acceptance power. Also, through my meditation, I am actively
aware of the spiritual bond all human beings share, as souls who have a
common home of peace, the incorporeal (non-physical) home, from where all of
souls come and a common connection with the One Supreme Father, the Supreme
Soul. Through this knowledge, I connect with the goodness in the other soul
and my love for the soul is maintained. I realize that this goodness is a
deeper reality than the anger. The truth is *that if I can hold this
soul-conscious vision steady for long enough, I radiate positive energy to
the other soul, which works like magic and awakens the goodness within the
other person*. Then, my tolerance bears fruit and peace really does prevail
between the two of us.

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