Thursday, September 29, 2011

*Enhancing (Strengthening) Qualities With The Help Of Meditation*

The present lives of most people are filled with frequent periods of
upheaval or stress.  The meditation which we are sharing with you in this
message will help you focus on the *quality* or state of inner *peace* and
overcome this stress.

There is an important *principle* behind the success of meditation - *where
attention goes, energy flows; and where energy flows, things grow.*

*As we 'give' our mental or emotional attention to the idea of peace, we
water it with the invisible energy of our mind or consciousness; as a result
it grows from a thought into a deep feeling and the final result is the
experience of inner peace *- our thoughts and feelings become peaceful, and
our words and actions filled with a peaceful vibration which others around
us also experience and absorb.

Inner peace is not a passive, timid or a submissive state.  It is a state of
inner power and you will soon notice how much more creative, efficient and
powerful you become as you learn to calm your mind consciously and take
control of your inner world.   Experiment with the thoughts we will mention
*tomorrow* in our meditation. You could meditate on other qualities such as
*fearlessness, love, humility, happiness, tolerance, flexibility, *or any
other quality you would like to strengthen or enhance within yourself.
*Experience and visualize the following words in your mind so that you begin
to feel what is being described. Soothing music may be played in the
background.  *

I remove my awareness from my physical body and the room in which I sit and
turn my attention inwards...

I become aware of many thoughts going through my mind...

I become the silent observer of my own thoughts watching each thought come
and then move on like clouds in the sky...

As I witness my thoughts, they begin to slow down... I focus my attention on
the idea of peace...

A wave of peace gently washes over me, removing all anxiety and tension from
my mind ...

There is just peace... In this moment, it is as if ... I ... am ... peace

My mind is now calm and clear - peace feels like water that is fresh, still
and clear…

There is deep contentment within... I realize, this is my most natural state
of being...

Having returned to my natural state of peace… I sit for a while, enjoying
these feelings of calmness and serenity...

Now I visualize a situation that I know I will soon face in my office or at

I see how I can maintain my state of inner peace arid how it affects my
thoughts and words... I can feel the power of peace in my actions...

I gently rehearse the scene and begin to see how the power of my inner peace
is transmitted to others around me through my thoughts, words and actions
and then reflected back to me by them...

With this feeling of total peace, I gently return my awareness to this
physical body to this room.

Practice the above meditation for about 10 minutes at least twice a day.  The
best times are in the morning before the day starts and then once again in
the night, before going to bed.

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