Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Source Of Our Feelings - cont.

The longer I experience thoughts and feelings of a particular variety
(explained yesterday), the greater is the soul's inclination to generate
those feelings. This can reach the point where feelings take over, and I
experience their impact even though they are no longer consciously
connected them with my thoughts e.g. my office colleague has done something
incorrect without taking my opinion, and there's a series of negative
thoughts running through my mind, such as 'Why did she do like this? It
shouldn't have happened like this. How dare she! Why on earth didn't she
consult me? I do wish she wouldn't be so unreasonable. It would have been
much better if the task had been done like that', etc. Bring over thoughts
of this type in my mind leaves me with a negative feeling - a feeling which
is critical, nasty and rejecting.

What is worse, when I have let feelings like this emerge; it is very easy
to carry them over into circumstances where they have no relevance e.g. it
is the evening time now - I have left my office to go home, and in my mind
I am now occupied with thoughts related to my children and groceries that I
have to buy to on the way back, but the unpleasant, critical feelings for
the colleague are still with me to the extent that they affect my behavior.
I react over some minor issue with the grocery store keeper, creating bad
feeling in him as well. Or, the other way round, I carry bad feelings due
to an argument at home, with my wife, into my office, and then create an
atmosphere of irritation in the office instead of comfort and warmth.

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